Tag Archives: flight safety

7 Mistakes to Avoid During Your Touch and Go Flight Training

7 Mistakes to Avoid During Your Touch and Go Flight Training
Touch and Go is a crucial training exercise for pilots. In essence, it involves landing on a runway and taking off again without coming to a full stop. This drill allows pilots to practice landing techniques and immediate takeoffs, honing their skills in quick succession. 1. Neglecting Pre-Flight Checks Before every session, thorough pre-flight checks [...]

Essential Guide to A-UPRT Training for Pilots: Ensuring Flight Safety

Essential Guide to A-UPRT Training for Pilots: Ensuring Flight Safety
In the complex and ever-evolving world of aviation, one particular training program stands out as a crucial prerequisite for all aspiring pilots: Advanced Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (A-UPRT). It is more than just a requirement for airline employment; it is a fundamental building block of flight safety. Understanding A-UPRT Training A-UPRT stands as an [...]